
miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

How to sell a dining set

Yes, of course, a dining set, follow me please. Let me show you this one, it is one of my favorites, and I prefer it like this, bare naked, in all its glory, you can really see the straightness and elegance of its design, the exquisite natural lines of the veins and the hard work they have put on it. The tall and thick legs are quite desired now days. Let me tell you about the material,  wonderful don’t you think? Come on feel this wood, if you get close enough you can almost see yourself in the shiny surface, so smooth to the touch yet incredibly hard, you’ll be able to give use to this piece for years and years, it will only get better and better. Because of the design and the fact that it comes from a young, tall, robust tree this piece is incredibly stiff, trust me, you and your friends can come over and sit on it, it won’t even shiver. But above all, isn't it just beautiful? Don’t you just want to have it in your dining room and eat something from it? I sure do.

Oh! right! And look at the chairs! Aren't they just lovely, with this freckled, furry leather recovery it feels incredibly smooth to the touch. Don’t you just want to run your hand on them. And you must smell it, such a deep sophisticated and masculine smell, uh I don’t know you but I love it. Please have a sit, don’t they feel amazing against your tushy, hahaha. Really, the prize is nothing. What do you think?